Dress - Clothing and Accessories

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External Pages

  • [World]: A good deal of Russian culture and costume shows Byzantine influence. Patterns, pictures, and links
  • Christobel & Peter’s New Varangian Guard Homepage - [[4]]
  • The History of Costume Pages

> These are taken from a Victorian costume book (which means that it is of questionable accuracy), most of these pictures are [[6]]but they are fun to look at. We have only linked to the costumes considered useful to SIG research but there are many other pictures. Be aware that the images are LARGE Plate 45C -- [Nobleman (16th Century)] Plate 66 -- Russia (17th-18th Centuries)

> >>


> >> [and Boiars] > >> [Dress, Women's Summer Dress] > >> [Winter Dress] Plate 124 -- Siberia (Late-19th Century) > >> Kirghizia, [Tatars and Kalmucks], [[7]], Bashkirs, Steppe Dwellers, and Tatars Plate 125 -- Russian Folk Dress (Late-19th Century) > >> [Tatars] > >> [Chereniss, and Estonians] > >> [Tver, and Kaluga] > >> [Finland]
