Muirghen Rhuadh's Russian Feast

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Medieval Russia -- Food and Drink -- Feasts and Menus

Muirghen Rhuadh's Russian Feast

Originally sent to Yana on Sunday, 12 November 2000 As it turns out I have just finished an article for our newsletter on the feast. It is long, but I will send the short story. the feast went well and I did appreciate the time you took to help me both at Pennsic and via the list. Well Saturday arrived and as I prepared to execute the feast, I reminded myself of my two goals, first, serve a feast ON TIME and hot where it was supposed to be, and second, serve a feast with diverse flavour and enjoyed by all. As the moment of truth arrived, the kitchen grew busier and busier. The feast required a few last minute details like the dumplings had to be made just before they were served to be sure they didn?t turn into little dough rocks. I decided to serve the feast, as I would have, in courses vice all at once. The first course was called and the fun began. For the next hour and a half, course after course served complete and hot as planned. When it was over, there were the leftovers in the pots, not too bad, and a few kitchen casualties in the form of pots and dishes in need of cleaning. For those who ate the feast, they can answer the second goal, for the first, all was as planned, hot and on time. For those that missed it, here is the menu in its served condition Appetizer Course || Shchi--Cabbage soup || (neutral/veggie) || Russian || || Pickled Mushrooms || -- || Russian || || Dumplings || (meat) || German || || Dumplings || (meat) || German || || Galuska (soft dumpling) || neutral || Hungarian || || Herring in sour cream || -- || -- || First Course (Pork) || Braised Pork in Prune sauce || -- || Russian || || Caucasian Rice with fruit || (neutral) || Russian || Second Course (Meat) || Hunters Stew || (meat) || Polish || || Trencher || neutral || -- || || Kasha or Pilau || (Veggie) || Russian || Third Course (Chicken) || Chicken Tocana || (meat) || Romanian || || Sweet/Sour Cabbage || (veggie) || Polish || || Kholrabi in roux || (veggie) || -- || Sweet Course (5th) || Miniature honey mousse tort || -- || Russian || || Plain baba with yeast || -- || Russian || Two forms of fresh made Russian black bread were served Russian rye black bread Russian pumpernickel black bread I remain yours in Service Muirghen Rhuadh