Names and Naming Practices

From Slavic Interest Group
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> The article is based on the archaeological finds of letters and other documents written on birch-bark and preserved over the centuries. It includes tables of masculine and feminine given names and bynames.

  • Paul's Articles on Naming Practices and Heraldry

Dictionary of Period Russian Names (1996, 2nd Edition) - The Dictionary shows name variations, diminutives, patronymics and metronymics. The site includes a section called Grammar of Period Russian Names, which is a discussion of how name elements were put together in SCA period. [Bynames in Medieval Russia (2001)] [Bynames in Medieval Russia (2000] [Russian Names in Period English (2000)] -- to view this file, you may need to switch your browser to the "Cyrillic (Windows 1251)" Character Set [Bynames in Medieval Russia (2000)] Russian for Court Heralds (2000) Russian Feminine Names on the Western Borderlands (1997) [Bynames in Medieval Russia (1996)] [Chicken Is Not A Bird: Feminine Personal Names in Medieval Russia (1995)] Paul is willing to answer queries about medieval Russian names privately. He will automatically reject any genealogical inquiries (no questions about your family tree), so stick with SCA or historically specific questions.
