Baltic Knowledge Page

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The Baltic Knowledge Page

Information and articles about the Baltic cultures, in the modern countries of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania.

General Baltic History Resources

Members of SIG interested in this culture:

ffride wlffsdotter (Lochac)



Discusses some late 16th/early 17th century pendants.

Arms and Armour

  • Jüri Peets. 2007. "[[|Early Iron Age iron production in Siksälä and southern Estonia]]." //In:// Laul, S. Valk, H. //Siksälä: A Community at the Frontiers. Iron Age and Medieval. (pp. 161 - 166). (Tallinn-Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus)
  • Peets, Jüri (2007). "[[|Weapons and edged tools in Siksälä Cemetery. Typology and Technology]]." //In:// //Siksälä: A Community at the Frontiers. Iron Age and Medieval (pp. 167 - 200). (Tallinn-Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus)
  • Robert Rootslane. 2013. [ja Pada maahaudadega laibakalmistute relvadega matuste kontekstuaalne analüüs] [Contextual analysis of inhumation burials with weapons from Kukruse and Pada Late Iron Age cemeteries] Bachelor's thesis, (Department of Archaeology, University of Tartu) [PDF]
  • Rasmus Pruus 2010. “[jäätmekastid Tartus Munga tn 12 hoovis]”[Medieval lavatory cesspits in the courtyard of 12 Munga Street, Tartu] (Department of Archaeology, University of Tartu) [PDF]

Looks at a 14-17th c. cesspit containing leather armour!

  • Mäesalu, A., Peets, J. & Haiba, E. 2008. “[[|Nahast küünarvarrekaitsmed keskaegsest Tartust.]]” [Leather Arm Guards from Medieval Tartu] //Loodus, inimene ja tehnoloogia, 2.; 27-36.



Textiles and Clothing - General

> Book focusing on the development of Estonian folk dress, has some very interesting pictures of pre-17th century artwork, and items.

  • Jüri Saar n.d. Arheoloogid panevad vanad kangad rääkima [Archaeologists Tell the Story of Old Fabrics] //Tartu Postimees//.A very brief article, but has a fantastic photo gallery of textiles discovered in Tartu Cathedral.[[3]] on the north wall in Karja church, Saaremaa. Believed to depict an Estonian man and woman. 13-14th c. And another photo.
  • Corbel from the north wall Pöide church, Saaremaa. Mid-13th century or later showing another couple. Photo 1, [2], and Photo 3.

Textiles and Clothing - Kukruse Cemetery

> Discusses Kukruse grave number 7, including her jewellery and the remains of a decorated egg.

Textiles and Clothing - Nålebinding

Textiles and Clothing - Pariselja Find (ca. 1470–1650)

> PhD thesis, has Carbon-14 dating of the garment, footnotes 7 and 26. Also, an analysis of the wool used.

Textiles and Clothing - Rabivere Bog (17-18th c.)

> Looks to be a summary of a longer article from [Archaeologiae Historicae]

Textiles and Clothing - Siksälä Cemetery

> In:// Jaanits, L., Lang, L., and Peets, J. (Eds.). L//oodus, inimene ja tehnoloogia 2 (37 - 61). (Tartu, Tallinn: Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda)

Place Names and Personal Names

Medicine and Health

Siksälä Cemetery Finds

  • Mauri Kiudsoo. 2007. "[[|Coins from Siksälä and the hoards of the neighbourhood.]]" //In:// Heiki Valk; Silvia Laul (Eds.). //Siksälä. A community at the frontiers. Iron age and medieval (pp. 201 - 212). (Tallinn-Tartu: Tartu University Press)
  • Leiu Heapost, 2007. "[[|The cemetery of Siksälä: osteological and paleodemographical analysis]]." //In:// Laul, S. Valk, H. //Siksälä: A Community at the Frontiers. Iron Age and Medieval. (pp. 213 - 236). (Tallinn-Tartu: University of Tartu)
  • Heiki Valk, and Silvia Laul. 2014. [kalme I: Muistis ja ajalugu] [Siksälä tumulus I: Artefacts and History] (Tartu: Tartu Ülikool) [PDF]
  • Heiki Valk, Jaana Ratas and Silvia Laul. 2014. [kalme II: Matuste ja leidude kataloog] [Siksälä tumulus II: Burials and Findings Catalogue] (Tartu: Tartu Ülikool) [PDF]



Textiles and Clothing

Medicine and Health



> Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. 94; 28-47. [PDF]

Latvian Language


Place Names and Personal Names


> Summary only.

Textiles and Clothing - General



> (Kaišiadorys: Kaišiadorių muziejus.)

Textiles and Clothing

Place Names and Personal Names (see also Polish names)

> (Note that this list appears to be a mixture of transliterated Cyrillic, modern Lithuanian, German, and Polish.)