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Latest revision as of 20:17, 19 May 2018


Welcome to the unofficial Slavic Interest Group wiki. This Wiki was originally started to provide a new home for the Slavic Interest Group's "Russian Knowledge Pages" but it has been decided to expand its focus, since it's so hard to maintain multiple separate websites for our different cultures of interest.

Since this is a Wiki, it can be edited, so the information here can be corrected and expanded. For now, editorial access will be not be restricted to registered members only. If abuse or site vandalism occurs, that will be changed.

Home webpage - http://slavic.freeservers.com/ Yahoo! Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sig/?yguid=119238696


[Interest Group] Visit other Knowledge Pages GEORGIA/CAUCAUSES HUNGARY POLAND ROMANIA SLOVAK/CZECH This Wikispace is owned by Sofya la Rus (Lisa Kies) - sofya @ heraldshill dot org.
