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* The Ecology of Crusading: The Environmental Impact of Conquest, Colonisation and Religious Conversion in the Medieval Baltic -
* The Ecology of Crusading: The Environmental Impact of Conquest, Colonisation and Religious Conversion in the Medieval Baltic -
* Amber and its Practical Application. Virtual exhibition of the Palanga Amber Museum.
* Amber and its Practical Application. Virtual exhibition of the Palanga Amber Museum.
* Susie Ward Aber. 1996-2008. ''|The World of Amber''. Includes the ''Baltic Amber Bibliography and Other Fossil Resins''.
* Susie Ward Aber. 1996-2008. ''The World of Amber''. Includes the ''Baltic Amber Bibliography and Other Fossil Resins''.
* The Cartographic Collection of the National Library of Latvia.
* The Cartographic Collection of the National Library of Latvia.

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==<span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Estonia</span>==  
==<span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Estonia</span>==  
====<span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">General</span>====  
====<span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">General</span>====  
* [[|Arheoloogia terminibaas]] [Archaeology terms (data) base], lets you browse for terms in Estonian, and the equivalent term in English, German, Swedish, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Finnish, or Latvian
* Arheoloogia terminibaas [Archaeology terms (data) base], lets you browse for terms in Estonian, and the equivalent term in English, German, Swedish, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Finnish, or Latvian.
* //<span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222; font-family: &#39;Helvetica Neue&#39;,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">[[|E-Kultuuripärand]] </span>//<span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222; font-family: &#39;Helvetica Neue&#39;,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">(E-heritage database, incorporates information from the Estonian Museum's Portal, below.) </span>
* E-Kultuuripärand (E-heritage database, incorporates information from the Estonian Museum's Portal, below.)
* //[[|Estonian Museum's Public Portal]]//
* Estonian Museum's Public Portal -
* //[[|Eesti Teadusportaal]]// [Estonian Research Portal]
* Eesti Teadusportaal [Estonian Research Portal]
* //[[|Eesti Arheoloogia Ajakiri]]// [Estonian Journal of Archaeology]
* Eesti Arheoloogia Ajakiri [Estonian Journal of Archaeology]|
* [[|DIGAR]], the National Library of Estonia's Digital Archives.
* DIGAR, the National Library of Estonia's Digital Archives.
* Aivar Kriiska,Tõnno Jonuks, and Peeter Kraas. 1999. //[[|Eesti muinasesemed]]//. [Estonia's antiquities], no English summary, but has a large number of photographs of extant finds.
* Aivar Kriiska,Tõnno Jonuks, and Peeter Kraas. 1999. [Estonia's antiquities], no English summary, but has a large number of photographs of extant finds.|Eesti muinasesemed
* Reet Truuväärt and Kaie Kesküla. 2013. //[[|Muistne Käsitöö: õpik-käsiraamat kutsekoolidele]]// [Ancient Crafts: A Textbook and Guide for Vocational Schools] [Link to PDF download]
* Reet Truuväärt and Kaie Kesküla. 2013. [Ancient Crafts: A Textbook and Guide for Vocational Schools] [Link to PDF download]|Muistne Käsitöö: õpik-käsiraamat kutsekoolidele
* <span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Valter Lang. 2007. "[[|The Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Estonia]]" (Tartu: University of Tartu Press)</span>
* Valter Lang. 2007. "The Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Estonia" (Tartu: University of Tartu Press)
* <span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Andres Tvauri 2012. "[[|The Migration Period, Pre-Viking Age, and Viking Age in Estonia]]" (Tartu: University of Tartu Press)</span>
* <span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Andres Tvauri 2012. "[[|The Migration Period, Pre-Viking Age, and Viking Age in Estonia]]" (Tartu: University of Tartu Press)</span>
* Liina Maldre 2007. "[[|Faunal Remains from the Settlement Site of Pada]]" //Estonian Journal of Archaeology// **11**(1) 59-79 [PDF]
* Liina Maldre 2007. "Faunal Remains from the Settlement Site of Pada" //Estonian Journal of Archaeology// **11**(1) 59-79 [PDF]
* Kristel Kivi 2009. “[[|Uderna Küla Kesk- ja Varauusajal]]” [The Village of Uderna in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period] (Department of Archaeology, University of Tartu) [PDF]
* Kristel Kivi 2009. “Uderna Küla Kesk- ja Varauusajal” [The Village of Uderna in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period] (Department of Archaeology, University of Tartu) [PDF]
* Maarja Olli 2010. “[[|Ornament Rooma Rauaaegsetel Ehetel Kirde- ja Kagu-Eestis]]” [Ornamentation during Roman Iron Age in north-eastern and south-eastern Estonia] (Department of Archaeology, University of Tartu) [PDF]
* Maarja Olli 2010. “Ornament Rooma Rauaaegsetel Ehetel Kirde- ja Kagu-Eestis” [Ornamentation during Roman Iron Age in north-eastern and south-eastern Estonia] (Department of Archaeology, University of Tartu) [PDF]
* Martin Malve and Ain Mäesalu. 2011. "[[|Archaeological excavations on the vaults of Mihkli church , Pärnu county]]" //Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia// 1-8.
* Martin Malve and Ain Mäesalu. 2011. "Archaeological excavations on the vaults of Mihkli church , Pärnu county" //Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia// 1-8.
* Silvia Laul, and Ülle Tamla. 2014. //[[|Peitleid Lõhavere linnamäelt : käsitöö- ja ehtevakk 13. sajandi algusest]]// [The craft- and jewelry-box from the hill-fort of Lõhavere, from the early 13th century] (Tallinn : Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda) [PDF]
* Silvia Laul, and Ülle Tamla. 2014. Peitleid Lõhavere linnamäelt : käsitöö- ja ehtevakk 13. sajandi algusest]] [The craft- and jewelry-box from the hill-fort of Lõhavere, from the early 13th century] (Tallinn : Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda) [PDF]
* Jaana Ratas, and Riina Rammo. 2015. "[[|Ühte kadunud tehnikat taastades: spiraaltorudest kaunistused rõivastel]]" [Restoring a Lost Technique: Spiral Tube Decorations on Garments] Silmnähtav 6:65-87.
* Jaana Ratas, and Riina Rammo. 2015. "Ühte kadunud tehnikat taastades: spiraaltorudest kaunistused rõivastel" [Restoring a Lost Technique: Spiral Tube Decorations on Garments] Silmnähtav 6:65-87.|
* Keiti Randoja. 2012.//[[| "Laste võimalikud sotsiaalsed vanusegrupid Kukruse ja Pada hilisrauaaegsete kalmistute näitel"]]// [Children’s possible social age groups by the example of Late Iron Age cemeteries of Kukruse and Pada]. Bachelor's thesis, (Department of Archaeology, University of Tartu) [PDF]
* Keiti Randoja. 2012. "Laste võimalikud sotsiaalsed vanusegrupid Kukruse ja Pada hilisrauaaegsete kalmistute näitel"// [Children’s possible social age groups by the example of Late Iron Age cemeteries of Kukruse and Pada]. Bachelor's thesis, (Department of Archaeology, University of Tartu) [PDF]|
* The Estonian History Museum [[|Archaeological Collections]] (scroll down to see the photos).
* The Estonian History Museum Archaeological Collections (scroll down to see the photos).
* //Estonian Silver Hoards// series of posts on livejournal by prommitey. [[|Part 1]]. [[|Part 2]]. [[|Part 3]]. [[|Part 4]]. [[|Part 5]].
* ''Estonian Silver Hoards'' series of posts on livejournal by prommitey. Part 1. . Part 2 . Part 3 . Part 4 Part 5
* [[|Photograph of the Kumna Hoard]], by Terker. Dated //terminus post quem// 965 CE in Leimus, I. 2009. "[[|Millennium Breakthrough: North Goes West]]" //Tuna// [Past]; 7-34. [PDF]
* Photograph of the Kumna Hoard, by Terker. Dated //terminus post quem// 965 CE in Leimus, I. 2009. "[[|Millennium Breakthrough: North Goes West]]" //Tuna// [Past]; 7-34. [PDF]
* Andres Tvauri, Riina Rammo and Andres Vindi. 2011. "[[|Livonian War-time Hoard from Sargvere Settlement Site, Järva County]]" //Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia//; 245-252. [PDF]
* Andres Tvauri, Riina Rammo and Andres Vindi. 2011. "Livonian War-time Hoard from Sargvere Settlement Site, Järva County]]" ''Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia''; 245-252. [PDF]
* <span style="font-size: 13.3333339691162px;">Tõnno </span>Jonuks, and Lauri <span style="font-size: 13.3333339691162px;">Joosu. 2013. "[[|Pendants of St. Anthony's Cross with the Crucifixion from Estonia -- Possible Badges of a Folk Pilgrimage]]" //Journal of Estonian Archaeology// 17(2); 123-138. [PDF]</span>
* Tõnno Jonuks, and Lauri Joosu. 2013. "Pendants of St. Anthony's Cross with the Crucifixion from Estonia -- Possible Badges of a Folk Pilgrimage" ''Journal of Estonian Archaeology'' 17(2); 123-138. [PDF]
** <span style="font-size: 13.3333339691162px;">Discusses some late 16th/early 17th century pendants.</span>
** Discusses some late 16th/early 17th century pendants.

====<span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Arms and Armour</span>====  
====<span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Arms and Armour</span>====  

Revision as of 21:06, 22 May 2018

The Baltic Knowledge Page

Information and articles about the Baltic cultures, in the modern countries of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania.

General Baltic History Resources

Members of SIG interested in this culture:

|| ffride wlffsdotter (Lochac) || ||



Arms and Armour



Textiles and Clothing - General

> Book focusing on the development of Estonian folk dress, has some very interesting pictures of pre-17th century artwork, and items.

  • Jüri Saar n.d. [panevad vanad kangad rääkima] [Archaeologists Tell the Story of Old Fabrics] //Tartu Postimees//.A very brief article, but has a fantastic photo gallery of textiles discovered in Tartu Cathedral.[[1]] on the north wall in Karja church, Saaremaa. Believed to depict an Estonian man and woman. 13-14th c. [another photo].
  • Corbel from the north wall Pöide church, Saaremaa. Mid-13th century or later showing another couple.[Photo 1], [2], and[Photo 3].

Textiles and Clothing - Kukruse Cemetery

> Discusses Kukruse grave number 7, including her jewellery and the remains of a decorated egg.

Textiles and Clothing - Nålebinding

Textiles and Clothing - Pariselja Find (ca. 1470–1650)

> PhD thesis, has Carbon-14 dating of the garment, footnotes 7 and 26. Also, an analysis of the wool used.

Textiles and Clothing - Rabivere Bog (17-18th c.)

> Looks to be a summary of a longer article from [Archaeologiae Historicae]

Textiles and Clothing - Siksälä Cemetery

> //In:// Jaanits, L., Lang, L., and Peets, J. (Eds.). L//oodus, inimene ja tehnoloogia 2// (37 - 61). (Tartu, Tallinn: Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda)

Place Names and Personal Names

Medicine and Health

Siksälä Cemetery Finds



Textiles and Clothing

Medicine and Health



> //Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls//. **94**; 28-47. [PDF]

//Latvian Language//


//Place Names and Personal Names//


> Summary only.

//Textiles and Clothing - General//



> (Kaišiadorys: Kaišiadorių muziejus.)

Textiles and Clothing

Place Names and Personal Names (see also Polish names)

> (Note that this list appears to be a mixture of transliterated Cyrillic, modern Lithuanian, German, and Polish.)

This category currently contains no pages or media.